Our Vision

SMLCA exists to prepare students for Today, Tomorrow, and Eternity.

Our Mission

Mark 12:30-31, tells us “to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as our self.” Jesus said that there were no greater commands. He stated that all the rest of the scriptures hinge on these few principles. Our Christian teachers and chapel services will help mold our students' souls. Our community outreach will impact their hearts. The curriculum will help shape their minds and our music, drama, and sports programs will focus their strength. The four parts of man and how they are used to relate to God and those around us matter most. SMLCA believes that all the lessons we teach should come from this perspective.

Our Philosophy

The educational process in a Christian school is dependent upon a biblical philosophy that provides a Christ-centered worldview and essential truths for life so that children may be prepared to assume their proper place in the home, church, and state. SMLCA will teach principles based on the Bible to enable children to make spiritually and morally correct decisions, help them resist temptation, and live respectable lives. To that end, SMLCA has developed these statements to direct our educational philosophy and their Administration:

Faith is developed in children by the principles in God’s word. Goodness is developed by application of Scripture. “...add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance.” I Peter 1:1-10. All academic knowledge should then be related to Biblical principles and godly character.

  • SMLCA can best meet its mission as a partner with parents/guardians in the education of their children. When parents/guardians share our philosophy of education and are enthusiastic about learning, their support and excitement will motivate their children.

  • SMLCA will strive to give children a Christ-centered education and an education that is academically rigorous to help them develop to their full potential. Screening and testing will be administered to assess their development and will determine admittance.

  • Curriculum and teaching will help students discover the answers to critical worldview questions concerning God, origin, humanity, moral order, and purpose. It will:

    • Be Biblically-based and child-centered (Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Ephesians 6:4);

    • Create consistency with faith and science (Genesis 1, Romans 1);

    • Uphold the dignity and sanctity of human life (Exodus 20:13, Matthew 5:21-22) and identify and support the biblical model for a family (Genesis 2:18,20-25, I Corinthians 7:1-16, Ephesians 5:33);

    • Encourage support of divinely ordained institutions - marriage, the Church, and government (Genesis 2, Ephesians 5, Genesis 10:32, Romans 13:1, Exodus 25:8-9, Matthew 16:17-19); and

    • Reinforce the principles of diligence and a strong work ethic (Genesis 3:19, Exodus 20:9-10, II Thessalonians 3:6-13).

  • Teachers are to be role models for the children, teaching with the love of Christ in all things. (James 3:1, Matthew 22:16, Luke 6:40)

  • We will work to develop students who become:

    • Committed followers of Jesus Christ with a strong biblical view of truth;

    • Actively engaged in their local church;

    • Responsible and patriotic citizens who understand and appreciate America’s Christian heritage and work to strengthen that influence in government and every sphere of culture;

    • Persons with values, principles and character, able to add real-life value to those around them as someone who is educated, thoughtful, articulate, honest, productive, and service-oriented;

    • Able to confidently and lovingly share, give reason for, and grow in their faith; and

    • Capable of continuing their education and/or becoming productive citizens, improving society through their life and work.